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Advice Column

Advice Column

Advice Collumn

Dear Dazed and Confused
The choice is yours to make. I Cannot tell you what to do, however I can give you good advice. You should think about what you do. You can be happy or you could "take care of your boss" and advance in the office.
The one thing that you should relly think about is your family. If you are able to support them then you should not worry about trying to advance.  If you are not able to support your family then you have to do what maybe not right but you need to support your family. If you do what ever you do to your boss then you need to relize that if you get cought then you could give your family a hard time because you cannot support them if you are in jail. The more you think about this desision then it should be eaiser. You just need to think about the people it would effect the people close to you. It is your choice.
David Gutierrez

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