Soma Video
David Gutierrez, Eric Ramian
Sean Kennedy, Adam Davis
Bold means stage directions
Itlaics = speaker
Sean sits on couch
Eric-This is Sean the emo kid not on soma
Sean walks to girl she laughs
Sean goes to bathroom and looks like he will slit his wrist when a voice is heard
David-Stop that young man
Sean-Who are you
David- I am the soma god and i have watched you try to get a girl and it is sad to see you do this. I have
helped alot of other people and you will be my toughest challenge Pulls out soma and gives it to sean
Sean- whats this
David- Its soma it is a drug that will help you
Sean is back on the couch
Eric- this is sean on soma girl sits with him he gets all the girls
Sean in his room with the girl
Eric-some of the side affects of soma are rage and hallucinating
sean is looking at the "girls" feat
sean screams
Sean throws her out the window she land on truck and he souts out of the window
Sean- I'm coming to get you
Sean runs down the staris and out of the house gets on the truck and stars punching the girl Eric
walks down the side walk
Eric-Whats going on
Sean points to him and gets off of the truck Eric points to himself
Eric-Me no
Eric starts to run away and sean throws him to the ground
Sean is in the living room on the couch
Eric- Sean has had more side affects than usual because he has taken to meny pills.some of the side
affects for soma are mussle mass Sean has sweatshirt on with football inside to look like he has mussles He
has also experienced increased speed anger violance and stupidity.
Sean gets up from the couch
Sean-stupidity what stupidity
Eric-wait it is just a script
Seans fist goes into the camera
Sean walk away
Sean-Who's stupid now I need more soma
Sean walks in to bedroom
Sean-Soma god where the hell are you
Soma God apears
Sean- I need more soma
David- What that was going to last you two years
Sean- It only lasted me a day
David- than i guess you have a problem
Sean tackles the soma god
Soma god dissapears
Sean- Where did he go nooooooooooooooo!!!!
Credits run