Death Boat
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Death Boat

Who Killed Who

                                                 Death Boat


The murder of Waverley Berg is the main story of deathboat. She was murdered on her own boat by one of three people Dora Snook, Brent Reilly, or Winston Johnson (Dr. Lightbody). I have come to the conclusion that Dora Snook pushed her of the back of her boat. I think it was her because my teacher told us it was not Dr. Lightbody. I don’t think that it was Brent Riley because he was going to be married to her and did not need to kill her to get her money. Dora Snook on the other hand said that she did not know that she took the money out of the being taken out of the bank but in a picture in a magazine she can be seen coming out of the bank with Waverley on the day that she took out the last two million of the money she had won. Dora was upset because she was going to take the money and move to south America after she was married to Brent. After Waverley had won the money Dora felt that she deserved the money because she was the one who bought the ticket in the first place. My theory is that she found out that they had planed to move to South America and she was not going to have a job anymore and that her chance to get the money was gone so she decided that she was going to get her revenge and kill her. She tried to cover for herself by saying that she did not know that Waverley took the rest of the money out because it was none of her business, however she felt that the money that Waverley was spending was hers in the first place. She is

quoted saying "This is a terrible blow for me. I’m flat broke. I guess I’ll hang out in some back street room, looking for another job. The rich life is over." I believe she said this to try to say that she has no backup plan to try to show that she did not do it. However to me she gave her self away when she said that her salary was "Real generous : six hundred dollars, plus my own cooking and small room." She later says that she is flat broke and I think to myself how do you get paid six hundred a month and you don’t have to pay for food or a home but you are flat brook.. The final thing that she said that made me think that it was her was when she said that " she couldn’t swim so she wouldn’t have had a chance." This told me that she knew to much and that she had known how she was going to kill her I think that she had planned it for a long time.

The main reason that I don’t think that it was Brent Reilly is because he was going to be married to her and he was going to have the money. Another reason that I don’t think that it was him was because he seemed to love her he was going to marry her and thaen they where going to move to South America together.

The other person that was in the story was Dr. Lightbody he is a fraud that impersonates a doctor. I don’t think that he would have killed he because he had not convinced her to make a will and to leave him money if she were to die. Since there was no money in it for him I don’t see any motivation for him to kill her because he would not be getting any money from her. The doctor knew her from when they where both in jail together. The "doctor " must have made friends with her while the y where together. It may have been his intention to get her to write a will so that he can get some of her

money before she died. Since he was not able to he could not have killed her because there was nothing to be gained by doing it.

In conclusion I think that all of the evidence points to one person and one person alone and that is Dora Snook. She was the only one who seemed to have any reason for wanting to get rid of her. Brent Reilly was going to get the money by marrying her so he did not have to kill her. Dr. Lightbody was trying to get her to change her will so he could get her money that way but she did not have one written yet. So the only person who had a reason was Dora Snook.. She wanted to kill her because she felt that the mony was hers and that she did not deserve it. She had to be planning this for a long time because she made the food that make her throw up and she knew that she could not swim so it look like an accident if she would push her of the boat because she would drown. The fact that the boat was rocking made it better that the boa t could have made her loose her balance. The reason to kill her was simple. It was for revenge. She felt that she sould have the money and that Waverley did not give her enough for being the person that actually bought the ticket. I feel that the fact that Waverley had spent the money and withdrew the last of it for her and Brent pushed Dora over the line and she felt it was the time to act. The fact that she may have found out about them moving to South America I don’t know but if she did it would of given her more motivation for her to kill her because she would never get the money she though she deserved and she would be out of a job and money. She would have to go back to the streets. If these are the reasons for her to kill her are true the old saying is true "The love of money is the root of all evil".

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